Want to make a Christmas Stocking in 5 Easy steps? Come with me...
I've re-worked my bestselling Christmas Stocking pattern into 2 pattern pieces to make this the process as quick and easy as it can be and perfect if you have a creative urge on Christmas eve!
I love to simplify sewing and this project was the perfect opportunity.
If you want to make one first of all, you'll need 2 Fabrics and a short length of ribbon (approx 20cm)
I suggest using a light/medium weight woven fabric for the outer stocking and a plain fleece or felt works great for the lining to give thickness to the stocking and create a contrasting band on the top.
Next you'll want the PDF sewing pattern which comes in A4 or US Letter size print at home download with 3 sizes to choose S/M/L when you cut out.
Once you have your fabrics cut out you are ready to sew.
Let's get started!
1. RST (Right sides together) sew lining pieces together using 1cm seam allowance, leaving top edge open and leaving a gap approx 10cm down one of the side edges.
2. Fold ribbon in half and sandwich approx 1cm from top edge in between outer stocking pieces RST.
SEW outer pieces leaving top edge open.
3. Next insert the outer stocking into the lining so the top edges meet.
REALLY IMPORTANT ensure the outer toe is facing the same way as the lining toe!
Match side seams and pin
Sew top edge together (if possible, remove your sewing machine arm for better access.)
Turn the stocking right way out through the gap you left in the lining.