Pinterest Hack

Are you looking to clean up your Pinterest presence and move boards to another account??

Maybe split your business from your personal account.

I manage a couple of different Pinterest accounts and I wanted to move some boards from one account to another.

This doesn't look possible on Pinterest but I actually found a way and thought this could be useful so here is how I did in in 5 easy steps.

One thing to note before you start is that the board that you move around will lose any followers. This didn't matter to me in this instance but it may be important to you.

So firstly to make this easier, log in and add all your accounts so that you can easily switch back and forward as you need.

To do this go to Settings 'Add Account' and log into all relevant Pinterest accounts.

To make this simple I am going to refer to my accounts as Account 1 (my original) and Account 2 (destination account).


Firstly go to Account 2 and make a board titled 'A test board'

(You can name the board anything you like but starting with A the board will show at the top when you try to find it again later)



Once you have created this new board add Account 1 as a 'Collaborator'

Pinterest add collaborators


Go to Account 1 and accept invite to collaborate this new board.

Pinterest accept invite


In the same Account 1 go and find any board that you wish to transfer over to Account 2. In edit choose 'Merge' and pick 'A test board'

Pinterest merge boards

NOTE: As I said earlier the board that you merge with 'A test board' will be deleted and moved into the 'A test board' as a section and therefore will lose any existing followers.

Pinterest merge boards


Go to settings and 'Switch accounts' go to Account 2 (new destination account)

Locate 'A test board' and delete Account 1 as a collaborator. 

Pinterest remove collaborator

The whole idea of this technique is that the board must be created by the destination account 2 so that this account has the power to delete the other one.

I hope you found this as helpful as me. If you run a creative business too why not leave a comment or say hi on Instagram 'Let's connect'

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A savior! Thank you so much!

Sue Chenard

Thanks a bunch for this VERY HELPFUL hack! I had noticed that my business/writing alias board had become crowded with stuff that should have been placed on my personal account… (How did THAT get there? LOL) … and when I did a quick google search on “how to transfer pin boards from one account to another” I was sorely disappointed to see that the first link to come up said “there is no way to do this, Pinterest doesn’t allow it” and I was a bit livid. (How DARE you tell me “no”, Pinterest!)
Thankfully, the second link I found was to your helpful hack that provided a relatively simple way to do this. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Kat Mao

Thank you for this. I’m not the brightest tool in the box but i did get there in the end. Made my life a little easier. Cheers.

Lee Abraham

Thank you for this! Lifesaver. But I am wondering if you don’t have a second email account, will it not work? You can’t set up two accounts under one email I’m guessing.


Had to use this tutorial again so I am going to thank you again because I could not for the life of me get the steps in the right order from memory.

Amanda Fink

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